Quartetto Areasud (Sicily/Calabria)

Quartetto Areasud was born for fun and recreation to perform traditional music mainly related to the southern Italian and Sicilian cultures, not to mention that these territories are at the heart of the Mediterranean, a great “soup” in which the musical ingredients are cooked, with people who share a similar fate and tradition. The four musicians […]

Pedro Makay (Spain)

Pedro Makay was born in Bilbao. In childhood he receives his first musical experience in piano lessons and at 13 he starts playing Spanish guitar. In a trip to Jamaica with his family, while visiting a friend in Negrilhe’s introduced to Caribbean rhythms, reggae and calypso which would become inspirational to his music. In Bilbao a […]

Marco Corrao (Sicily)

Marco Corrao, cantautore siciliano, chitarrista,produttore e direttore artistico musicale, ha allespalle tour in USA, Svezia, Danimarca, Inghilterra.Collaborazioni importanti con Eugenio Finardi,Francesco Cafiso, Giuseppe Milici, Moni Ovadia,Alex Valle, Riccardo Tesi e Oriana Civile. Produttoree autore di colonne sonore per Istituto LuceCinecittà Titanus. E’ stato ospite insieme a GabrieleGiambertone della Festa del Cinema di Roma con ildocumentario […]

Kolonien (Sweden)

Kolonien is a four piece family band from Sweden, reinventing their roots with rich vocal harmonies, and fierce melodies and rhythms.  Fiddle-star Anna Möller and her cousins; the brothers Arvid and Erik Rask on guitar and bas, together with their neighbour and percussionist Mischa Grind all grew upwith the traditional folk music deeply embedded in the family.  […]

Alfio Antico (Sicily)

Alfio Antico, il “tamburo parlante”, un artista unico. L’istinto e la carnalità dell’animale. Il virtuosismo e la destrezza del genio. Ma Alfio Antico non è soltanto l’ultimo aedo di una cultura popolare. Alfio Antico è la cultura popolare. È la “radica” di una cultura ancestrale, le cui origini si perdono nel tempo. Ancestrale e, nello […]

Maura Guerrera (Sicily)

Maura Guerrera comes from Messina, the northeastern end of Sicily. As a singer, percussion player and musician, she explores traditional paysant sicilian songs coming from ethnomusicologists field recordings. Since many years now, Maura investigates these songs as an expression of a unique cultural heritage. Starting from these ancestrals sonorities, in the new creation Spartenza Maura […]

Orps Orchestra permacultura Sicilia (Sicily)

ORPS è l’acronimo di ORchestra Permacultura Sicilia, nasce nel 2019 per esprimere in musica i principi dell’Ecologia, della Permacultura, l’amore per la Terra, per i nostri simili, e non solo. Lo spirito è quello della condivisione e della divulgazione: il nostro repertorio spazia da canti tradizionali alla musica internazionale in diverse lingue, ma anche brani […]

Riccardo Gerbino (Sicily)

Diplomato in Tradizioni Musicali Extraeuropee a indirizzo Indologico al Conservatorio A. Pedrollo di Vicenza, ha studiato percussioni latine con Rosario Jermano e percussioni arabe con Mohamed Fares. Continua ad approfondire lo studio del tablā con Pandit Sankha Chatterjee. Ha partecipando a numerosi festival in Italia e all’estero: Art Stays 2012, Ptuj, Slovenia; Sete Sóis Sete Luas […]

Kidimpro w/Stefania Milazzo (Sicily)

KidiMpro is a performative practice of movement and improvisation, open to families with children from the 18th month of age, who explore together their body, gestures, movement, voice and creativity. The improvisational techniques, proposed through play, are based on elements of dance-theater and contact improvisation. During the course, small children, not yet able to correctly verbalize […]

Sicilyoga Caterina Allegra (Sicily)

My first Yoga lesson was in McLeodGanj on the foothills of the Himalaya in India with Yogacharya Lalit in 2007, and since then my love for yoga has grown bigger and bigger until I decided I wanted to share my love for Yoga with everyone. After a degree in Biology and a career as an researcher in […]