In this project in a continuous mix of wandering and musical suggestions ideally inspired by the sea and ports of the Mediterranean , we meet different languages, sounds and colors.
Each song comes from a musical memory, from an ethnic and geographical place, but while some songs changes and joins other suggestions assuming the features of a new identity, others remain anchored to their roots by enhancing the authenticity.The show is based on the mix of Mediterranean area popular songs and Giovanni Seneca’s original compositions, in a really interesting equilibrium between the knowing and the popular, between classicism and modernity.
Giovanni Seneca ‘s works are inspired by some different Mediterranean cultures.
Moving from south of Italy, we’ll start this suggestive trip passing by the Spain, North Africa, until the Balkan region.Giovanni Seneca: Classical guitar, battente, flamencoFrancesco Savoretti: percussionGabriele Pesaresi: contrabass
31 July 2020 h 21:00 World Stage il Pigno